More Than Software

We do not provide just a software. We offer more complex solution. Due to our age-long and high experiences in the field of the event management, we can offer a full range of services and support to our clients.

Full Services And Support

We are here for you during the whole  lifecycle of your event - before, during and even after the event. We work with you closely to help your team to use the software effectively as well as to customize particular procedures and modules at your best convenience. We assist you with both technical and procedural issues. We are ready to help you to implement the software to your existing procedures and to meet your needs. Our team offers the server hosting, on-line trainings as well as an on-site assistance and consultations. 

  • Planning and preparation phase
  • Implementation phase
  • Event management assistance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Reporting and real time daily management
  • Event closure, project evaluation, feedback and wrap up

Certified Members Of Our Team

We can offer various certified members of out team to support your event:

Festival Solutions Manager

  • is highly qualified and certificated person (all modules);
  • is able to analyse and implement festival needs to the database;
  • has large festival management experience;
  • provides your festival with remote or/and onsite help;
  • helps to create schedule for individual database implementation steps;
  • helps to control your database and to keep it updated;
  • helps to implement custom changes into the database as your project develops;
  • provides your staff with training and further support for users.

Certified User

  • is highly experienced user of the database
  • provides your staff with training
  • provides your festival with remote or/and onsite support for users

Hospitality Manager

  • works closely with your Hospitality Departments (invitation, accreditation, travel, accommodation, events)
  • helps to setup hospitality systems or to implement existing once into the database
  • helps to improve your services towards the guests

Program Manager

  • helps to store film and program data in the database
  • helps to create program related parts of your website
  • helps to create schedule for database program steps

Ticketing Manager 

  • helps to plan your ticketing system
  • creates schedule
  • helps to execute your ticketing system
  • advises on ticketing equipment
  • provides your staff with training and further support for users
  • helps to create reports for your festival

Technical Staff 

  • provides with complete technical support
  • advises on necessary equipment
  • installs the database on computers



All news


One World Film Festival

This year we implemented VoD platform for festival One World. System allow upload online screeners and also DCP masters and fully automatically building videolibrary. These are streamed online and also at video library room.

DataKal StarBase representatives at the Berlinale 2018

DataKal StarBase, the comprehensive software solution for film festivals, represented by Pavel Kalenda & Kalenda Systems, will be available at Berlinale International Film Festival 2017, February 12 - 15. We will be happy to meet you and tell you more about our products! To arrange a meeting, please send us email to or call us on +420 602 273 948.


Probably first festival in the world using RFID chips for accreditation and ticketing. Platform is very easy for scanning and managing tickets and access to the venues. In combination of new ticketing rules was a great solution for an event where is hi demand for tickets.

MIA Market

MIA Market platform was changed into new design and implement 7 different online application forms, accreditation system, payment, hotel platform. Unique access control was developed for industry screenings and Sales get online in formation about their visitors.


PIAF, Prague International Advertising Festival, Czech RepublicPIAF, Prague International Advertising Festival, Czech Republic
One World, Czech RepublicOne World, Czech Republic

All references